1.) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of Patriots
It’s an epic stealth shooter with jaw dropping graphics and a massively detailed storyline. 70 plus weapons, and a well designed online mode that will keep you playing months after you have completed the core single player experience.

2.) Grand Theft Auto 4
GTA 4 a tossup. It has more opponents for online play. The install cuts done on loading which gives you more time to ram firetrucks into dirtbikes.

3.) Uncharted: Dralle’s Fortune
The best way to describe Uncharted is that it’s like Tom Raider mixed with Gears Of War with a humorous , tongue in cheek overtone.

4.) Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction
Looks to build upon the previous titles in several ways. In addition to the new weapons and equipment the Six Axis controller will be integral to navigating certain parts of the game.

5.) Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
In the fourth installment in the popular FPS franchises the player was sucked into a larger than life story allowing them to play as both a U.S. Marine or a member of the British S.A.S. while a global conflict ignited.